Is Using Grammarly App Can Improve SEO Writing?
Is Using Grammarly App can make you write better SEO content? Let’s find out!
This is may become a myth on how to write SEO content. That you must to be perfect in grammar to make your content SEO friendly.
The fact is, SEO is not just about your article having a grammatically perfect. Please remember that Uncle Google isn’t your English Teacher.
If we make a comparison, of two content who talking the same topic. One has grammatically perfect but there doesn’t have any SEO technique applied.
And the second one is you know, something that makes English Teacher cringe but SEO technique applied there and has more value.
Guess what? who wins? yep! the second one will likely have a better rank on Google. Sad but true.
Because content without value has no gain in SEO at all. And so, content with SEO technique but no value in it also a bad effort for SEO.
Yeah! you are right if you though writing SEO content is an enigma. Because it is. That,s why so many experts never tired talking about it.
Is using Grammarly App really helps For SEO writing?
Let’s back to the main point. Is by using Grammarly app can really help you write better SEO content?
From what I know, my answer is not! but it relatives. It depends on the situation. As I mentioned before, that, if your content value is ‘low‘ and wrong implementation of SEO technique.
Then it will not gonna work. But it will be great if you can make all in balance. A good grammar, great SEO technique implementation, right chosen keywords, a bit or more of value.
Then, Your content will always stand out and become a real “King.”
The advantage of using Grammarly Application
The significant advantage that I found very useful of using Grammarly is for proofreading. Since English is not my everyday language. It really helps me to avoid typos and write a better phrase.
You know, a bad phrase can lead confusion to the reader. And make the engagement effort goes wrong in the first place.
So, I found that by using Grammarly app really helps me a lot on this point.
If you wanna know since when I start using the app and the browser extension, believe it or not, I just start using it a few days ago.

Since I started this blog two years ago, I don’t get bothered if my grammar is 100% perfect or not.
What I do is just creating content based on my experience. With a motivation that drives me which are to share knowledge with others and helping others solve their problem.
And yeah I do use SEO technique, but I never too focus on that. I just let it flows. And it works
So, the conclusion is clear here. That by using any Grammarly application won’t help you to write better SEO content unless you implement another important aspect in your writing craft.
But it really great app to improve your grammar for sure. And yeah, it will not make an English Teacher cringe when He or She read your posts.
Even for you guys who use English as your everyday language write with good grammar isn’t easy. And for me who don’t use English as the main language, by installing Grammarly extension on my browser really help to learn and improve my grammar.
By the way, just to disclose, that this post is written using Grammarly